Paper Factory

We've seen a lot of "Recycled Paper" labels in every packaging lately. Ever wonder how they recycle paper from old to new one? This experiment shows you the basic behind recycling paper. .

1. Scrap papers (Refrain from using the shining or glossy paper)
2. A spoonful of PVA white glue
3. Water
4. Mixing bowl
5. Old pair of tights
6. Old wire clothes hanger
7. Rolling pin
8. Tray
9. Old newspaper
10. Kitchen towel
11. Cotton wool
12. Plastic bag

1. Bend the wire clothes hanger to a square shape, insert it to an old pair of tights to make a screen.
2. Spread several layer of newspaper on a tray and cover them with a layer of kitchen towel.
3. Tear scrap paper into small pieces and put it in a mixing bowl until you have about 4 cupfuls.
4. Add water to cover the paper. Leave for an hour to soak then add a spoonful of PVA white glue.
5. Break paper into small pieces until ten minutes or so it will be a thick pulp mixture.
6. Stir in torn-up cotton to make the paper strong.
7. Put the screen on top of the tray with the towel. Spoon the pulp mixture onto it and spread it out to a thin layer.
8. Lay a plastic bag on top and roll over it with a rolling pin to squeeze out the water.
9. Peel off the plastic bag. Leave the screen to dry.
10. Depending on the weather the pulp should be dry within a day or two. Now you will have a piece of recycled paper.
The fiber in paper seperate as they are soaked and broken up. When you squash the pulp, the fibre bind together again. Drying it removes the water to create a new paper.