Magic Crystals

Grow your own crystals using bicarbonate of soda mixed with water.

1. A tall glass
2. Measuring jug to measure 200ml of hot water (Ask grownup for help)
3. Pencil or pen
4. String
5. 4 spoonfuls of bicarbonate of soda
6. Cotton ball

1. Carefully, mix 2 spoonfuls of bicarbonate of soda per 100ml of water into the hot water. Ask a grownup to measure the amount of hot water. Remember, it's hot, hot, hot!
2. Stir the solution until it dissolve, keep stirring until little soda remains undissolved.
3.  Pour the liquid into a tall glass.
4. Tie a piece of cotton at the end of a string and round a pencil at the other end.
5. Balance the pencil across the top of the glass with the cotton end dip in the soda solution.
6. Leave the glass to cool for a few hours.
7. See what happens to the cotton?

Crystal of soda is formed when the solid separate with the liquid in a solution. This process is called crystallization. Crystals grow in many shape, other example of crystals found at home are salt and sugar.