Balancing Ballerina

Ballerina drawn by Erin
Make your own balancing ballerina. This project may required a little bit of drawing.

1. Play-dough
2. Plain card
3. Pencil and felt-tip pens
4. Scissors
5. Knife

1. Make a base by rolling a piece of play-dough with your hands to make a ball about the size of pin-pong ball.
2. Cut it in half with a knife, you might squash the ball a bit but that's alright, you could always reshape it. (Ask a grownup to do the cutting)
3. Draw a figure of a dancing ballerina about 4 to 5 times the height of the base. Colour it with felt-tip pens. Draw a square tab under the foot.
4. Cut around the outside of the figure and don't forget to include the tab.
5. Make a slit in the top of the play-dough base with a knife and slot the tab into it. (Again, ask a grownup)
6. Try knocking the ballerina over and it will return to an upright position.

The ballerina contains a weight in the bottom, so when you tipped it, the weight is raised and the gravitational force causes them to return to the upright position.