Rainbow Maker

Can't wait for a rainbow to appear? Why not create a rainbow at home.

1. Small mirror
2. Water
3. A bowl or a deep tray
4. A sheet of white plain paper
5. A sunny spot near a window

1. Pick a sunny spot near a window.
2. Fill a bowl or deep tray with water.
3. Lean the small mirror at an angle to one side of the bowl or tray.
4. Carefully, adjust the mirror so the sun shines onto the underwater part of the mirror.
5. Hold the sheet of paper in front of the bowl or tray, slowly move it around until you see a rainbow reflection from the water.

When the sun ray passes through the water, the water makes the light bend by different amounts, which separate in different colors, namely, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. The mirrors reflects the rainbow onto the paper.